Most software development companies are not prepared for the harsh realities of the AI era.
AI multiplies developers’ productivity and dramatically increases business value of work.
Under these conditions, hourly billing has become obsolete, as the value of business results is completely divorced from the time and effort invested.
This requires new business models and new approaches to pricing to capture a fair share of value and avoid commoditisation.
This webinar will explore:
how to stop selling time and start selling business value
how to stand out and avoid commoditization
what are some practical steps to take.
About speakers
Emanuel Martonca
Emanuel Martonca is a Fractional Pricing Manager and Founder of Soft Fight. He is a sought-after speaker at technology conferences, conducting pricing workshops for clients across Europe. His company has developed a Sales and pricing app that helps companies automate pricing processes and maximise profitability. Emanuel is also the author of the weekly Elastic Graphite Newsletter, which is filled with pricing advice.
Rolands Ozolins
Rolands Ozoliņš is a Business Growth Strategist, trainer, and co-founder of IBD Consulting. He specialises in helping tech companies generate demand in international B2B markets. Rolands is the designer and lead trainer of the online Masterclass: How to Market and Sell IT Services and Principles of Business Growth and Demand Generation, a training for leadership teams of technology companies.