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Languages: English, LatvianBusiness
Mastering Marketing Content in B2B Markets
17/06/2024Language: EnglishSpeakers: Rolands Ozoliņš, Andrejs Juščenko
Customer Acquisition
This webinar contains concepts and tools you need to know to plan, create and distribute marketing content in B2B markets.
Here is a link to the [Marketing Maturity Assessment(https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0dhMGxUbnMxd2ZZeWI0Vkd2ZHkzbzNGSTZ3d3xBQ3Jtc0tsTWhFY0t6TnR2S1MwWWxvWTJTRzRzbjJuRVlJU2p4dU9tbG5Ud2NMcHpkQW1XRU1zMzVTc0gyNHJibkxOMTBfaTlzMWltNkxKdDdtMlRzN0xGcGJWVWtSOHlmYWd4bHBwVTc3REFyMWU0b3YzRmFuYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fibd-consulting.com%2Fmarketing-matturity-assessment-sign-up%2F&v=rIt9njvq2n4) mentioned
In this webinar, Andrejs Juščenko and Rolands Ozoliņš explain the following key points:
- How B2B buyer behaviours have evolved in recent years and what this means for technology companies
- The psychology behind buyer preferences and what exactly they expect from vendors
- Processes to follow for preparing marketing content
- Tactics for scaling up your content production
- How to supercharge your content distribution
- How to properly leverage social networks
- How to measure the impact of your content
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Customer Acquisition